The Web is like Beer


Lots of people can’t seem to understand the relationship of the Web to the Internet. So I’ve come up with a simple analogy:

The Web is to the Internet as Beer is to Alcohol.

For some people, sometimes, they are essentially synonymous, because they are often encountered together. But of course they are fundamentally different things

In this analogy, Email is like Wine: it’s the other universally popular use of the Internet/Alcohol.

But there are lots of other uses, too, somewhat more obscure. We could say the various chat protocols are the various Whiskeys. IRC is Scotch; XMPP is Bourbon.

gopher is obscure and obsolete, …. maybe melomel.

ssh is potato vodka.

I leave the rest to your imagination.

Note that the non-technician never encounters raw Internet, just like they never encounter pure alcohol. They wouldn’t know what it was if it stepped on their foot. Of course, chemists are…

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