
To My Readers

Please feel free to bounce off this page for the time being. This page is still under construction. This Blog is now in an early ‘draft’ phase as part of a MOOC assignment.  However, please note as well that I have made every effort to make sure that all my post content is correct and that all content will be scrutinized via peer review (and hopefully some instructor review) for most of the summer.

For those who wish to ‘follow’ this Blog, expect changes in post formats and/or content periodically. Any significant errors or omissions in content, along with substantive changes to content will be announcing via a post.  I will including a complete “About Page” as soon as possible and will provide a short post announcing its completion.

Thank you all for your patience!


Semi-Dummy Text Begins:

(the gist of this text is correct…but not how an ‘About Page’ should read … the generalities are temporary!)

Who’s  Blog is this?

It is mine. I am an online learner. Always have been. While I am not older than dirt, I am as old as the Internet. Personal computers didn’t become available until I was an adult, but it is safe to say I was quick to take advantage when personal computers became a reasonably affordable option.  Since the day it became possible to go ‘online’ I have been busy using ‘online’ to learn.

Who is this Blog for?

This is a Blog is relevant for anyone who has ever used the internet to learn anything. If you have used to Google to get an answer to a question, you are an Online Learner and at best a misunderstood and largely ignored element of the Education Conversations happening worldwide.

What makes this MOOC Blog different?

This blog focuses on Online Learner Perspectives. Online Learners are not now part of the conversations __ and hype__ surrounding the MOOC phenomenon, and because of the MOOC hype are finding what they have learned and will learn is being redefined and remeasured. Our learning environments are changing and unless we, as learners, actively make our aims, goals and objectives clear, we will be at the affect of change rather than a part of the change.

Why should I bother with this blog.

The ‘Information Highway’ paved the way for ‘Global Villages’ and is inextricably linked to ‘Knowledge Economies’.  How we learn, what we learn, why we learn, when we learn and WHO we learn from is changing and the Internet is a big part of the Change.

Don’t be talked about. Become a part of the Conversation.

8 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi-
    I cited your blog in a research paper (I am a doctoral student) and need to know your name to credit you for the writing. You can email me at [blocked for privacy]
    thanks so much!
    great writing

  2. Many apologies for the typo in my previous comment. Please replace it with:

    I would like to honor you with a Liebster Award. Please click on the award link for details.

    Briefly, Liebster Awards are for promoting new blogs that have few followers. You can accept the award by creating a post that recommends (and links to) a few new bloggers. Then, to help your readers get to know you better, you can answer the question that I posed to my nominees: “At my new correctional facility, meals are nourishing and appealing. What is your favorite nourishment?” You can then ask the bloggers whom you nominate to answer a question of your choice. Then, please link back to my post to let my readers know that you accepted your award.

    You can retain your nomination, even if you do not accept the award.

    I hope you enjoy being nominated. Thank you for all that you share.

    1. Ooops. Just found this Grace…NOTHING in this world more embarrassing than having someone pat you on the back and not notice!!!! ;( Okay… I am off to explore…but first… Thank you for thinking of me… more importantly, thanks for caring!

  3. I came here because if you are the person who brought Grace to the world of blogging, I would like to personally thank you. She is a wondrous person and was my first Follower. Her comments are delightful and sustain me. You also have a most unique and insightful blog. And this phrase will stick with me from now on….
    “Don’t be talked about. Become a part of the Conversation.”
    Take care now,

    1. Hi Stephanie! Sorry it has taken me so long to get here and reply to you very kind comments! I appreciate your taking the time to chat! Grace is beyond special, and I cannot take any particular credit for much beyond the type of support friends give each other. I don’t think Grace needs much more than a general idea of where to look….and bang… she is off being her wonderful, creative, insightful…and oh so unique self.
      I am hoping life is starting to settle down a bit…and I look forward to running into you again. Take care Stephanie! 🙂

  4. I nominated you for a Dragon’s Loyalty Award to recognize your faithfulness to my blog. Please visit my latest post to learn more about this award, and to leave a comment describing how you choose blogs to follow, and why you “Like” and leave comments on blogs.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

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